Roll-up Product Codes from Opportunity Products (Line Items) onto Opportunity records

Easily access Product Codes on Opportunities for Integrations and Reporting.

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‘Roll-up’ product codes onto an opportunity so you can use them in search.

One-Click to Update All Records

Product code roll-up makes the product codes from opportunity line items available in a text field on Opportunity so you can use this information in filters and for document merge applications such as Drawloop and Conga.

Product code roll-up makes two new fields (called ‘Opportunity Product Codes’ and ‘Opportunity Product Codes (Short)’ available to add to an opportunity page layout. Each time that the opportunity is edited or an opportunity product added/removed, the fields are updated to include the list of product codes.

The ‘short’ field includes the first 255 characters from the list so that the field can be used as a filter in Salesforce Views. In the case of a 5 character product code, this field will support 42 opportunity line item codes.

Each product code in the field is delimited by default using the underscore character ‘_’. However, if you use underscores in your product codes, you can change this to any other character, or series of characters as the delimiter is stored in a Custom Label.

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CRM Apps Lab™ Helper for Opportunity List Views: Product Code Roll-up is a free App, and will never require payment!

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